The courts belong to all the people. It has been said when a judge makes a ruling, any ruling, half the room is unhappy. I am committed to actually listening to what people want to say in court. It is my goal as Superior Court Judge, that when the parties leave the courthouse, they know they were sufficiently heard in a respectful manner. Please allow me to bring legal knowledge, patience, and my life’s seasoning to the Orange County Courts.
I believe in Orange County. I grew up here, and my wife and I raised our daughter and two sons here. As a trial attorney for twenty-eight years, I have worked in several areas of law, including Civil, Criminal, Probate, Juvenile, and Family law. I have been a business owner and manufacturer, and I understand how the application of laws effects those who are employed and employ others. It is this diversity in my practice of law, and my personal life experiences, that have prepared me to be an Orange County Superior Court Judge.